ISO 22301 – Business Continuity Management System

Every organization nowadays needs to be secured towards disruptions, incidents, inside and outside threats. The ISO 22301 Business Continuity standard has been developed to protect companies against threats, reduce their likelihood, and ensure your business recovers from disruptive incidents.

An effective business continuity management system (BCMS) will help organizations develop and maintain a best practice approach to respond effectively to any disruption, by implementing continuous improvement tools and techniques.

Benefits of ISO 22301 Certification

  • Reduces the frequency and impact of disruptions
  • Helps you to return to “business as usual” as swiftly as possible
  • Sets clear expectations and improves supply chain relationships

  • A robust BCMS in place could reduce your insurance premiums

  • Enhances your reputation in the market place which could help you win business
  • Helps ensure your plans are robust and ensures you are resilient and well-placed to deal with change

  • Builds stakeholder confidence and trust